· “For Richer and for Poorer: Income, Perceptions of Inequality and Support for Redistribution” (with Verena Fetscher), OSF Preprints, August 2023.
· “Income and Party Support: Past, Present, and Future” (with Daniel Stegmueller).
· “More than Self-Interest? Income, Fairness Beliefs and Support for Redistribution” (with Verena Fetscher).
· “Crime or Redistribution: Fairness, Effort and Preferences” (with Noah Bacine).
· “The Momentous Influence of Expectations: Income and Preferences for Redistribution” (with Ryan Rholes).
· “Electoral Policy-Making with Constraints: Partisan Political Budget Cycles in Industrialised Democracies” (with Vera Troeger).
· “Economic Benchmarks and the Rise of Resentment in Industrialized Democracies” (with Spyros Kosmidis).
· “Generational Misfortunes and Support for Extreme Parties” (with Pablo Beramendi and Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca).
· “Who Wants What? Redistribution Preferences in Comparative Perspective” (with Daniel Stegmueller). 2019. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics series, Cambridge University Press.

Order a copy of the book: US, UK, CUP.
· “Social Democracy Inside Out: Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Industrialized Democracies.” 2007. Oxford University Press.

Order a copy of the book: US, UK, OUP.
· “Insuring Against Hunger? The Long-Term Political Consequences of Exposure to the Dutch Famine” (with Gerda Hooijer and Raluca Pahontu). Journal of Historical Political Economy, 4, 1(2024): 33-58.
· Appendix for “Insuring Against Hunger?”
· “When Parties Move to the Middle: The Role of Uncertainty” (with Johannes Lindvall and Haoyu Zhai), British Journal of Political Science, 53,4 (2023): 1208-1229.
· Appendix for “When Parties Move to the Middle.”
· “How Post-Industrial Labor Market Inequality Transforms Politics” (with Silja Häusermann and Achim Kemmerling), Political Science Research and Methods, 8, 2(2020): 344-355.
· “Automation and the Welfare State: Technological Change as a Determinant of Redistribution Preferences,” (with Stefan Thewissen) Comparative Political Studies, 52, 2(2019): 171-208.
· “Models of Other-Regarding Preferences, Inequality and Redistribution” (with Matthew Dimick and Daniel Stegmueller), Annual Review of Political Science, 21(2018): 441-460.
· “Food Comes First, Then Morals: Redistribution Preferences, Parochial Altruism and Immigration in Western Europe,” The Journal of Politics, 80, 1(2018): 225–239.
· Appendix for “Food Comes First, Then Morals.”
· “The Altruistic Rich? Inequality and Other-Regarding Preferences for Redistribution” (with Matthew Dimick and Daniel Stegmueller), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 11, 4(2016): 385-439.
· “The Externalities of Inequality: Fear of Crime and Preferences for Redistribution in Western Europe” (with Daniel Stegmueller), American Journal of Political Science, 60, 2(March 2016): 472-489.
· "Replication data for: The Externalities of Inequality: Fear of Crime and Preferences for Redistribution in Western Europe," Harvard Dataverse.
· “The State of the Welfare State: Unemployment, Labor Market Policy and Inequality in the Age of Workfare,” Comparative Politics, 47, 3(April 2015): 296-314.
· “Dualization, Crisis and the Welfare State,” Socio-Economic Review, 12(2014): 381–407.
· “Inequality and Institutions: the Case of Economic Coordination” (with Pablo Beramendi). Annual Review of Political Science, 17(2014): 251-271.
· “The Insider-Outsider Dilemma” (with Johannes Lindvall). British Journal of Political Science, 44, 2(2014): 460-475.
· “The Politics of Inequality: Voter Mobilization and Left Parties in Advanced Industrial States”(with Jonas Pontusson). Comparative Political Studies, 43(June 2010): 675-705 .
· “Left Government, Policy, and Corporatism: Explaining the Influence of Partisanship on Inequality.” World Politics, 60 (April 2008): 349-89.
· “Cheap Labor: The New Politics of ‘Bread and Roses’ in Industrial Democracies” (with Desmond King). Perspectives on Politics, 6 (June 2008): 279-97.
· “Social Democracy Constrained: Indirect Taxation in Industrialized Democracies” (with Pablo Beramendi). British Journal of Political Science, 37 (October 2007): 619-41.
· “Social Democracy and Active Labour Market Policies: Insiders, Outsiders, and the Politics of Employment Promotion,” British Journal of Political Science, 36 (July 2006): 385-406.
· “Insider-Outsider Politics in Industrialized Democracies: The Challenge to Social Democratic Parties,” American Political Science Review, 99 (February 2005): 61-74.
· “Comparative Political Economy of Wage Distribution: The Role of Partisanship and Labour Market Institutions” (with Jonas Pontusson and Christopher Way), British Journal of Political Science, 32 (April 2002): 281-308.
· “Wage Inequality and Varieties of Capitalism” (with Jonas Pontusson), World Politics, 52 (April 2000): 350-83.
· “Public Opinion, Party Politics, and the Welfare State” (with Johannes Lindvall), in Philip Manow, Bruno Palier and Hanna Schwander (eds.), Welfare Democracies and Party Politics: Explaining Electoral Dynamics in Times of Changing Welfare Capitalism. Oxford University Press, 2018.
· “Automated but Compensated? Technological Change and Redistribution in Advanced Democracies” (with Stefan Thewissen), in Eva Paus (ed.), Emerging Dystopias? The New Technological Revolution and the Future of Work. Cornell University Press, 2018.
· “The Origins of Dualism” (with Erik Wibbels and Melina Altamirano), in Pablo Beramendi, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.), The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
· “West European Welfare States in Times of Crisis,” in Nancy Bermeo and Jonas Pontusson (eds.), Coping with Crisis. Russell Sage Foundation, 2012.
· “Insider-Outsider Politics: Party Strategies and Political Behavior in Sweden” (with Johannes Lindvall), in Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häusermann, Bruno Palier, and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (eds), The Age of Dualization. Oxford University Press, 2011.
· “Political Agency and Institutions: Explaining the Influence of Left Government and Wage Bargaining on Inequality,” in Pablo Beramendi and Christopher J. Anderson (eds), Democracy, Inequality and Representation. 2008. Russell Sage Foundation.
· “Inequality as a Source of Political Polarization: A Comparative Analysis of Twelve OECD Countries” (with Jonas Pontusson), in Pablo Beramendi and Christopher J. Anderson (eds), Democracy, Inequality and Representation. 2008. Russell Sage Foundation.
· “Labor Market Institutions and Economic Performance” (with Irene Menendez), in Jennifer Gandhi and Rubén Ruiz-Rufino (eds), Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. 2015. Routledge.
· Review Symposium on Kathleen Thelen’s “Varieties of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity,” Socio-Economic Review 13(2), 2015.
· “El precario, un nuevo sujeto politico,” La Maleta de Portbou, Noviembre/Diciembre 2014 (8).
· “The insider-outsider dilemma” (with Johannes Lindvall), Policy Network Obervatory. July 18, 2013.
· “Motsättning mellan arbetande och arbetslösa dilemma för S” (with Johannes Lindvall), DN Debatt, op-ed piece. April 4, 2013.
· “Dualization and crisis,” Swiss Political Science Review, 2012 18(4): 523-30.
· “Dualización, socialdemocracia y políticas activas del mercado de trabajo,” Fundación Alternativas, Colección Política Comparada 1 (2011): 1-13.
· “¿Hacia un nuevo modelo productivo?” (with Pablo Beramendi), El País, op-ed piece. August 29, 2010.
· “El pozo, el perro y las pulgas” (with Pablo Beramendi). El País, op-ed piece. May 20, 2010.
· “Cheap Labour is Europe’s Outsider Class” (with Desmond King). Financial Times, op-ed piece. September 7, 2006.
· “Die Spaltung der Sozialdemokratie in Insider und Outsider: Beschäftigungsförderung und Großbritanniens‚ Third Way’.” Berliner Debatte Initial, 17 (2006): 199-206.
· “Crime or Redistribution: Fairness, Effort and Income,” In_equality Colloquium, Politics of Inequality Cluster of Excellence, University of Konstanz, 8th October 2024.
· “Income, Immigration, Demand for Redistribution and Voting,” Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy,University of Warwick, Conference on Policy and the UK’s Competitive Advantage: Evidence from 10 Years of Research, 27th June 2019.
· "Fairness or Material Interest? Equality of Opportunity, Intergenerational Mobility, and Support for Redistribution in Industrialized Democracies," Santander Chair of Excellence public lecture, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, November 3, 2021.